Saturday, August 20, 2011


This is the house I will live in for the next two years. It has three rooms, running water, and no electricity.

This is the road to the next village. The main road is the same, only slightly less steep.

This is the suspension of the minibus carrying 20 people and all of their stuff the 70 kilometers from the regional capital of Labe to the village (it took 6 hours and two broken and repaired wheel studs).

This is the view looking down on the village from the high ground above. It feels a bit like the Northeastern Cascades lowlands.


Greenisagoodcolor said...

love the porch. could use a few more chairs though

Cici said...

The Google tells me I could say: défis, meaning "challenges"...Thanks for sharing!

dbostrom said...

Looks like a great little house!

Good solar exposure, too.

The solar panel you have can be connected to a reasonably large 12v lead acid battery directly with no charge controller. The panel is not equipped with a reversing diode so for the very best efficiency you'd want to disconnect it at night, though in practice the back leakage through the panel will be modest due to the small difference between the native voltages of the panel versus battery.

Such an arrangement would allow you to obtain bulk charge for various uses. Don't let the battery deplete below 11.9 volts on a routine basis lest it sulphate. Car batteries are more sensitive to this, so maybe 12.2 if you're using a car battery.

dbostrom said...

Of course, you -do- have a digital voltmeter in your shaving kit, right?