Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gombo et Aubergine


4-6 medium eggplant, firm with no insect holes
10-12 medium okra, the more ridges the better
½ kg ground beef or mutton*
1/3 cup peanut oil
Half a head of garlic
Two thumbs of ginger
10-15 small dried chilies
1 teaspoon anise, or 3 stars of star anise (better)
Two small onions
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon bean paste
1 tablespoon water
Handful of shelled, roasted peanuts

*only use meat if the animal was slaughtered that day, so the meat is fresh, if you have a meat grinder, because meat isn’t sold ground, and if you’re extraordinarily wealthy, because meat is expensive. If you’re worried about protein, just add more peanuts.


Peel and mince garlic and ginger (a spoon works well for peeling the latter). Peel and slice onion into wide strips. Trim and wash eggplant and okra. Slice eggplant into any shape, keeping the volume under 10 cubic centimeters. Slice okra laterally, at an angle, into sticky flowers.
Add some of the oil and the dried chilies to a large, high-walled, heavy-bottomed pan. Heat until the oil runs like water, and add the garlic, ginger, onion, and anise. If using meat, add it shortly after, and cook until grey. Add the eggplant and okra, and almost all the rest of the oil. Stir-fry over high heat, minding that the bottom doesn’t burn. Mix together the honey, soy sauce, bean paste, water and the rest of the oil in a cup. When the eggplant is getting soft, pour the mixture onto the vegetables and allow to boil for a couple minutes. Remove from heat, and garnish with peanuts and plenty of chopped chives. Serve with plain white rice and Sino-Afro slaw (recipe to follow). You can eat the chilies if you're brave or lazy.

Serves 4, or one hungry Peace Corps Volunteer two and a half times. 

1 comment:

Ann Bostrom said...

Merci bien for the recipes, Tosten! May be difficult to follow them here though. You write so beautifully - wonderful to read your posts. Cheers!