Saturday, August 20, 2011


This is the house I will live in for the next two years. It has three rooms, running water, and no electricity.

This is the road to the next village. The main road is the same, only slightly less steep.

This is the suspension of the minibus carrying 20 people and all of their stuff the 70 kilometers from the regional capital of Labe to the village (it took 6 hours and two broken and repaired wheel studs).

This is the view looking down on the village from the high ground above. It feels a bit like the Northeastern Cascades lowlands.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jusqu’a maintenant

Guinean Francs spent on cell phone: 350000
Guinean Francs spent on cell phone credit: 10780
Mefloquine pills consumed: 4
Loads of laundry done: 3
Days when no rice consumed: 2
Liters of water consumed per day: 5
Snakes seen: 1
Hours of class per week: 36
Number of fans in the main meeting room: 0
Loaves of fresh bread eaten per week: 4
Number of children in the family: 6
Number of chairs in the family: 2
Standard number of people in a small taxi: 7
Cost of three cucumbers: $0.17
Presidential assassination attempts: 1
G-20 Peace Corps Trainees over age 24: 0
G-20 Peace Corps Trainees under age 22: 0
Number of loose stools per day required for diarrhea: 4+
Shots received: 7
Total hours of electricity at house: 11
Packages received: 0
Good days: 26